Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The AmigaOS 4 FAQ

Can I watch videos on YouTube? - Yes - Browse all of the WWW using for instance Timberwolf (FireFox Gecko Browser) or Odyssey (Webkit based).
Can I go on Facebook? - Yes - Timberwolf will work.
Is there an Apache, MySQL and PHP Stack available for AmigaOS? - Yes - using AAMP.
Are there any email clients available that support IMAP or POP3?  - Yes - look at this link.
Are there are any FTP Clients available for AmigaOS? - Yes - again look at this link.
Is there an artwork package available like Photoshop? - Yes - many for instance GIMP.
Can I do 3D modeling on AmigaOS? - Yes - The 3D modelling package Blender runs fine on AmigaOS.
Can I run classic Games on AmigaOS 4? - Yes - Emulation is provided as standard.  Just double-click an icon to play.
What about MIDI Sequencing or Sampling software? - Yes - Several options are available.
Does AmigaOS have dual-monitor support? - Yes - You can use far more than two monitors.
Can I run MS Word, Excel or Access? - Yes - online you can do that from any operating system on the market. In other cases the Libre Office (unofficial successor to OpenOffice also released to MacOS X) port allow you to open all MS Office documents /and several other software ports and Amiga developments, and an eternal flow of historical Office packages from classic Amiga era is available/.

Source /the text has been edited *read my FAQ and you feel better*/

[Development Software] [OS4 Coding]

Off Topic =>but still relevant cause of all the trash that is accessible on the World Wide Web<= MDH =>the closest university to where I live<= deltar i ett forskningsprojekt som ska utveckla en sophämtningsrobot. Tänk dig en robot som tyst och diskret rullar in i ditt bostadsområde, hämtar dina sopor och tömmer dem i lastbilen. Det sker utan att väcka sovande familjer och givetvis utan tunga lyft för den vid en nationell lansering utkonkurrerade renhållningsarbetaren. Det är målet med ROAR, ett samarbetsprojekt med syfte att utveckla morgondagens smarta transportlösningar. LINK | SOURCE

Så här kan sophämtningen se ut i framtiden | Adrian Wirén

Chalmers utvecklar....

...projektet heter, ROAR, RObot based Autonomous Refuse handling, och målet är att presentera en robot som med hjälp av instruktioner från ett styrsystem i lastbilen hämtar soptunnorna, tar med dem till lastbilen och tömmer dem. /..../

”Inom Volvokoncernen förutser vi en framtid med mer automation. Det här projektet är ett sätt att låta fantasin flöda och testa nya koncept för att forma morgondagens transportlösningar, säger Per-Lage Götvall, ansvarig projektledare på Volvo. /..../ LINK | SOURCE


MDH arbetar just nu i ett projekt tillsammans med Volvo, Chalmers och ... University i USA samt avfalls- och återvinningsföretaget Renova för att utveckla en robot för automatisk sophämtning.


Adrian Wirén on YouTube

1 comment:

  1. a few smaller changes in the original text =>both with and without importance<=

    What is the latest version of AmigaOS?:
    AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6 was released on November 30, 2012.

    What software is available for AmigaOS?:
    Software for AmigaOS can be downloaded from several locations, highly recommended software can be found here >http://www.amigaos.net/applications<
    The complete repository for AmigaOS software is available on OS4Depot >http://www.os4depot.net<
    Alternatively you can download Jack for AmigaOS that is a third-party application which comes with an in-built Download Manager >http://jackforamigaos.wordpress.com<
    Classic Amiga 68K software is available on Aminet >http://www.aminet.net<

    Supported Hardware:
    AmigaOS runs on the PowerPC family of processors. These processors offer high-performance and low power consumption. A comprehensive list of =>some examples<= of =>all<= supported hardware can be found here

    Where to buy:
    AmigaOS often comes pre-installed on compatible hardware systems from online retailers or through a network of resellers worldwide.

    Ways to get in touch:
    •Support Forum http://forum.hyperion-entertainment.biz
    •Send a support message directly to the team http://www.amigaos.net/contact
    •Send a message to A-EON http://www.a-eon.com/?page=contact
