5th of June -15 | A new REV'n'GE! is released to all Amigans | REV'n'GE! #32 | REV'n'GE! #33
Amiga and its former ancestors is as always the advancer of information technology, e.g. IBM and their PPC-processors, Apples hardware based on clock processor units from IBM (PPC= Power PC) with several complementary operating systems (most well known are MophOS 3.9 and AmogaOS 4), the AROS Research Operating System for the ordinary Intel processors like x86 and later, and finally a huge and magnificent Open Source => OSS/FOSS/FLOSS <= society - => just to mention a few examples and give you total awareness of the actual situation <=.
Läs 30th Anniversary International Amiga Day 2015 + go back + Amiga 30 event in Amsterdam filmed by mj nurney + VCF East X Commodore "Amiga 30" + AMIGA CRACK INTROS + REV’n’GE! SUMMER #35 has been released! + KODSKOLAN I AMIGA FORUM för forts. på denna artikel kopplat till 68000.
Have a good day / night, and don't be stupid enough to give up the truth!
Have a good day / night, and don't be stupid enough to give up the truth!